A Very Active Group Of Fish
At first, I only bought 1 Panda Garra, but I felt it would be uninteresting to keep just one. Finall Read more
The Panda Garra is endemic to western Myanmar's Rakhine Yoma, or Arakan mountains. This type of alleyfish is quite difficult to breed in captivity due to the difficulty of distinguishing between males and females. If breeding is successful, it will produce tiny, transparent, and difficult-to-recognize eggs. The eggs take 1 to 2 days to hatch.
Common Name
Garra flavatra, Panda Garra Loach
Conservation Status
Extinct (EX)
Scientific name
Garra flavatra
Garra flavatra
At first, I only bought 1 Panda Garra, but I felt it would be uninteresting to keep just one. Finall Read more
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